Dr John Cousins
Dr Cousins has trained in weight loss surgery by visiting and attending courses in nine different bariatric centres across Europe and the UK. He has anaesthetised most of the surgical cases at Imperial Weight Centre NHS since 2007. Prior to this, he provided anaesthesia for all the high-risk oesophagectomies, Nissen’s, Hellers, gastrectomies, hiatal hernias and achalasias at Charing Cross Hospital London.
Combining this training with his broad experience he has created a tailored anaesthetic package to allow the most rapid return to full mobility and respiratory function in patients with an increased BMI.
All of our surgical cases are monitored with Entropytm or BIS™ (a brain wave monitor) to ensure the perfect depth of anaesthesia to this challenging group of patients.
Dr Cousins personally runs a dedicated pre-assessment service prior to surgery for high risk cases to ensure safety and minimise the risk of complications and potential cancellation. If you have any sleep disorders (eg OSA) he will arrange for these to be treated or diagnosed to return energy to your days and quality sleep to your nights.
As the founder of the Society of Bariatric Anaesthetists (SOBA) UK he is involved with national and local projects into improving bariatric surgical/anaesthetic services across the UK.
He is currently performing research into THRIVE in high BMI caseloads, studying the methods of prevention of hypoxia; using diamorphine in high dose spinals for analgesia; and the long term use of medication in post operative bariatric cases.
In the Autumn of 2018 see the publication of his textbook on how to safely anaesthetise morbidly obese patients and for bariatric surgery, in association with Cambridge University Press. More information can be found about Dr Cousins’ publications here.
Visit Dr Cousin’s website here.